This blog is a tribute to Belle, and all the dogs who have come before and after. They are my friends, my companions, my teachers and my students. They bring me both joy and heartache, laughter and tears. There is nothing as sweet as the smell of puppy breathe, and nothing as sad as the final goodbye.

-Leading dogs makes them happier, more
secure, less stressed, better behaved, more fun, happier.
-Correcting bad behavior is the way to change bad behavior. Make bad behavior
uncomfortable and good behavior comfortable.
-Redirecting and offering alternatives doesn't stop bad behavior. It only does
what it says.
-Sharing consequences for poor choices is your job and responsibility, whether
you enjoy it or not.
-Positive reinforcement is awesome for teaching what you want, not so awesome
for teaching what you don't.
-99% of dog issues come from permissiveness, allowance, softness, doting.
-People treat dogs like glass. They're hearty, robust creatures. Their minds
and bodies are more resilient than we give them credit for.
-E-collars and prong collars, although terribly named, are typically the most
effective and easiest tools on the dog.
-E-collars and prong collars, although terribly named, are typically the most
effective and easiest tools on the owner.
-Dogs, like kids, will resist structure, leadership, and guidance. And just
like kids, they'll either thrive because of them or suffer in their absence.